The program follows Central European Time
Day 1 – Tuesday, June 29, 2021
13.45-14.00: Welcome to CBS
14.05-14.45: Thought piece
Scott Page – Introduction to the New ACM journal ”Collective Intelligence”
Charles MacMillan – Introduction to the Conference on the Future of Europe
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15.00-16.00: RESEARCH PRESENTATIONS - Experts in the crowd
Chaired by Sabine Brunswicker
Jaeyoon Song, Christoph Riedl and Thomas W. Malone - “Online Mingling: supporting ad hoc, private conversations at virtual conferences” (Discuss the paper, see graphical abstract)
Yunhao Zhang - “Identify Experts Through Revealed Confidence: application to wisdom of crowds” (Discuss the paper)
Sabine Brunswicker, Mai Elkady and Feny Patel - “Submissions to a COVID-19 Data Science Challenge: the role of skills and platform engagement” (Discuss the paper)
Alexander Staub, Christopher Lettl and Tom Grad - “Introducing Performance Contingent Symbolic Awards Into Online Communities: a natural experiment” (Discuss the paper, see graphical abstract)
Watch presentations here
16.15-17.15: PANEL - Psychology, Behavior, and Information Systems – Translating Collective Intelligence into Action
Hosted by Jan vom Brocke – Program Chair
Brian Fitzgerald - “Crowdsourcing Software Development: Two’s Company, 1.6 is a Crowd”
Alan Hevner - “Challenges of Collective Design”
Peter Mohr - “Collective Intelligence and Attention”
Continue the discussion on linkedin. See a visual summary of the panel. Watch the panel discussion.
17.15-17.45: Break
17.45-18.45: RESEARCH PRESENTATIONS - Collective intelligence, technology, and algorithms
Chaired by Jason Burton
Shiyan Zhang and Jeffrey V. Nickerson - “The Coevolution of Tasks and Technologies” (Discuss the paper, see graphical abstract)
Daniel Barkoczi, Manuel Cebrian and Niccolo Pescetelli - “The Indirect Influence of Bots on Humans through Recommendation Algorithms” (Discuss the paper)
Jason Burton, Ulrike Hahn, Abdullah Almaatouq and Amin Rahimian - “Algorithmically Mediating Communication to Enhance Collective Decision-Making in Online Social Networks” (Discuss the paper, see graphical abstract)
Louis Rosenberg, Gregg Willcox and Colin Domnauer - “Hyperswarm Methodology for Collective Intelligence”(Discuss the paper)
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19.00-20.15: PANEL - Biology, Neuroscience, and Algorithms
Hosted by Deborah M. Gordon – Program Chair
Deborah M. Gordon - “The Ecology of Collective Behavior”
Saket Navlakha - “A Neural Algorithm for Similarity Search”
Danielle Smith Bassett - “Brain Network Structure and Learning”
Nicholas Ouellette - “Manipulating Collective Behavior”
George Bassel - “Information Processing and Collective Decision-Making in Plant Organs”
​Continue the discussion on Linkedin. See a visual summary of the panel. Watch the panel discussion.
20.30-21.30: RESEARCH PRESENTATIONS - Collective intelligence in dynamic teams
Chaired by Takayuki Ito
Iman Yeckehzaare, Elijah Fox, Samuel Wood and Gail Grot - “Improving Collaborative Notetaking through Visualizing and Finding Connections” (Discuss the paper, see graphical abstract)
Hui Chen Chou, Rafik Hadfi, Donghui Lin and Takayuki Ito - “Identifying Collaborative Editing Traits and Phases in Good Wikipedia Articles” (Watch presentation, discuss the paper, see graphical abstract)
Avel Guénin-Carlut and Daniel Friedman - “Introducing Active Inference as An Integrative Principle in The Study of Collective Intelligence” (Discuss the paper)
Payam Aminpour, Steven Gray and Steven Scyphers - “Diversity Produces Realworld Payoffs for Complex Problem-Solving: evidence of diversity bonus in pooling local knowledge” (Discuss the paper)
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21.45-22.45: PANEL - Control, Communication, and Cybernetics - From Citizen Science to Citizen Intelligence
Hosted by Kevin Crowston – Program Chair
Marisa Ponti - “AI+CS: productivity or democratization?”
Elena Simperl - “Citizen Science: the data view”,
Douglas Guilbeault - “The Network Dynamics of Category Discovery”
Alan Irwin - “Citizen Science and Scientific Citizenship”
Continue the discussion on Linkedin. See a visual summary of the panel. Watch the panel discussion.
Day 2 – Wednesday, June 30, 2021
12.45-13.45: PANEL - Collective Intelligence in Practice: Business Potential and Value Creation for Society
Hosted by Markus Helfert, – Corporate Relations Chair
Adelya Alisherovna Fatykhova, SAP
Cornel Klein, Siemens
Gar T. MacCriosta, HSE
Continue the discussion on Linkedin. See a visual summary of the panel. Watch the panel discussion.
Chaired by Ralf Kurvers
Ralf Kurvers, Andrea Nuzzolese, Alessandro Russo, Gioele Barabucci and Vito Trianni - “How Collective Intelligence Can Reduce Diagnostic Errors” (Discuss the paper, see graphical abstract)
Rongjiao Ji and Qiwei Han - “Stocks in Tweets Today: exploring heterogeneous investor sentiment on social media” (Discuss the paper)
Laura Jahn, Rasmus K. Rendsvig and Jacob Stærk-Østergaard - “Bot Detecting Jury Selection Procedures to Counter Nefarious Vote Inflation on Social Media” (Discuss the paper, see graphical abstract)
Kuldeep Singh, Palvi Aggarwal and Cleotilde Gonzalez - “A Social Dilemma for Cybersecurity: sharing information among defenders” (Discuss the paper)
Watch presentations here
15.15-16.15: PANEL - Ecosystems, Global Economy, and Society
Hosted by Caroline de la Porte – Program Chair
Snorre Sylvester Frid-Nielsen - “Algorithmic Fairness and Transparency in Digital Public Employment Services”,
Stefano Sacchi - “Technology, Risks and Social Policy”
Anna Ilsøe - “Digital Platform Strategies in the Nordics”
Continue the discussion on Linkedin. See a visual summary of the panel. Watch the panel discussion.
16.30-17.30: RESEARCH PRESENTATIONS - Social Challenges arising from Collective Intelligence
Chaired by Anita Wooley
Fade Eadeh, Michelle Zhao, Thuy-Ngoc Nguyen, Pranav Gupta, Cleotilde Gonzalez, Henny Admoni and Anita Woolley - “Anger: Helpful or Harmful for Team Performance?” (Discuss the paper, see graphical abstract)
Thuy Ngoc Nguyen, Duy Nhat Phan and Cleotilde Gonzalez - “A Cognitive Hysteretic-IBL Model for Coordinated Multi-Agent Transportation Problems”(Discuss the paper)
Stephen McCarthy, Wendy Rowan, Zainab Hussain Al Shabeeb, Carolanne Mahony and Michael O'Driscoll - “I’ll Be Watching You: a social cognitive theory perspective of citizens’ relationship with surveillance capitalism” (Discuss the paper, see graphical abstract)
Levin Brinkmann, Deniz Gezerli, Kira von Kleist, Thomas F. Müller, Iyad Rahwan and Niccolo Pescetelli - “Human Biases Limit Algorithmic Boosting of Cultural Evolution” (Discuss the paper)
Watch presentations here
17.30-18.00: Break
18.00-19.00: PANEL - Strategy, Management, and Collaboration
Hosted by Arvind Malhotra – Program Chair
Arvind Malhotra - “Collective Production Process to Unleash Collective Intelligence”
Christian Wagner - “Resolving Mysteries of Collective Intelligence”
Hila Lifshitz-Assaf - “Accelerating Collective Innovation Without Killing It”
Oliver Alexy - “Creating Innovation Ecosystems to Deploy Deep Tech”
Continue the discussion on Linkedin. See a visual summary of the panel. Watch the panel discussion.
19.15-20.15: RESEARCH PRESENTATIONS - Collective Intelligence for Collective Gains
Chaired by Alin Coman
Rafal Olszowski - “Studying Online Collective Intelligence in Policymaking” (Discuss the paper)
Alin Coman - “The Incremental Insight Model: from individuals to networks” (Discuss the paper)
P Kumar Sachin, Weifeng Li and Aaron Schecter - “Sentiments and Information Diffusion on Social Media: evidence of a curvilinear relationship” (Discuss the paper)
Vahid Yazdanpanah, Enrico H. Gerding, Sebastian Stein, Corina Cirstea, m.c. schraefel, Timothy J. Norman and Nicholas R. Jennings - “Collective Responsibility in Multiagent Settings” (Discuss the paper, see graphical abstract)
Watch presentations here
20.30-21.00: Closing remarks
Poster sessions
Rafael Kaufmann, Pranav Gupta and Jacob Taylor - An Active Inference Model of Collective Intelligence (watch presentation, discuss the paper)
Vincent Strauand Taha Yasseri and Milena Tsvetkova - The cost of coordination can exceed the benefit of collaboration in performing complex tasks (see graphical abstract, watch presentation, discuss the paper)
Ganit Richter, Daphne R. Raban, and Sheizaf Rafael - Play to the Crowd: Fostering knowledge contribution with scoring mechanism design (see graphical abstract, watch presentation, discuss the paper)
Shuyuan Mary Ho - Collective Sensing in the Age of Disinformation (see graphical abstract, watch presentation, discuss the paper)
Sofia Sahab, Jawad Haqbeen and Takayuki Ito - The Effects of Competitors on Crowd Engagement in Incentivized Municipal Idea Contest Project (see graphical abstract, watch presentation, discuss the paper)
Tatsuya Yamamoto - Empirical Study of Peer Production for Explainable Artificial Intelligence (see graphical abstract, watch presentation, discuss the paper)
Yuchao Jiang, Marcos Bae and Boualem Benatallah - Understanding How Early-Stage Researchers Perceive External Research Feedback (see graphical abstract, watch presentation, discuss the paper)
Sine Zambach - Citizen produced visualisations as qualifying the public debate on the COVID-19 pandemic (see graphical abstract, watch presentation, discuss the paper)
Sven-volker Rehm and Gloria Bondel - Managing Networked Innovation on Digital Infrastructures: A Cybernetic Method for Collective Sensemaking of Complex Dialogical Problems (see graphical abstract, discuss the paper)
Benjamin Ostrowski - What’s the Problem? Formulation of Open Problems in Teams
(discuss the paper)
Chase McDonald, Thuy Ngoc Nguyen and Cleotilde Gonzale - Multi-Agent Specialization and Coordination without Communication in a Gridworld Task (discuss the paper)
Eric Bogert, Aaron Schecter and Richard watson - Algorithmic Appreciation in Bail Decisions (discuss the paper)
Jon Stein and Joseph Hurtigen - Utilizing Collective Intelligence to Effectively Combine Theory of Constraints with Lean Six Sigma in Continuous Improvement (discuss the paper)
Levin Brinkmann, Manuel Cebrian, Niccolo Pescetell - Anticipation of an autocurricula in Human-AI zero-sum games (watch presentation, discuss the paper)
Vahid Yazdanpanah, Sebastian Stein, Enrico H. Gerding and m.c. schraefel - Multiagent Strategic Reasoning in the IoV: A Logic-Based Approach (discuss the paper)
Lianne Simonse - Social foresights on Covid-19 futures: developing a NLP tool forStrategic Design Research (discuss the paper)

Graphic facilitator Kirstine from TUSAMOTUS will be performing real time graphic recording during the conference’s six panels. That means she will be sketching out the key takeaways from each panel as it takes place. See more of her work at or @tusamotus on instagram."
Links to the visual recordings
Panel 2: Biology, Neuroscience, and Algorithms
Panel 3: Control, Communication, and Cybernetics - From Citizen Science to Citizen Intelligence
Panel 4: Collective Intelligence in Practice: Business Potential and Value Creation for Society
Panel 5: Ecosystems, Global Economy, and Society